Artisans grow more repeatable revenues.

case study

Designed and developed by industry actors to make everyday simple, with no need for consultants or developers.

Executive Summary

Artisan chocolate businesses face several unique challenges, including limited production capacity, limited marketing resources, and navigating distribution channels. These obstacles can hinder growth and market reach, making it difficult to establish a strong brand identity. Technology plays a significant role in mitigating these challenges and enhancing the viability of small artisan chocolatiers.

By adopting a strategic branding approach, using modern technologies, and leveraging digital marketing strategies, chocolatiers and other artisans can more effectively showcase a unique products, expand their reach, and build a loyal customer base.

Data analytics offers valuable insights into consumer preferences, values, and purchasing trends, allowing small chocolatiers to tailor their marketing efforts, improve product offerings, and better focus their business strategies.

Overall, technology can be a powerful tool for small artisan chocolatiers to overcome their challenges, expand their reach, and build a sustainable business. By adopting a digital approach to branding and marketing, and better understanding consumer trends, these chocolatiers can thrive in the competitive confectionery industry.

Aliyah Prahan

Chocolatier extraordinaire, café manager, Brussels
EU-BIO certified

The Problems Faced

It's especially difficult to grow and differentiate your wine business.

Wineries often have limited financial resources, fragmented market access, and difficulty building a strong brand identity, which can be existential obstacles to their survival in the highly competitive wine industry.

Problems you face

Solution by Troly

Limited & inconsistent revenue

Artisans struggle to generate a steady and sufficient income from their craft. The time-consuming nature of traditional craftsmanship can lead to lower production rates, while the high cost of raw materials and tools can further squeeze their profit margins.


Competing with manufactured goods

Mass-produced alternatives pose a significant threat to the survival of hand-crafted products.

These lack the uniqueness and craftsmanship associated with artisan goods, but can be sold at much lower prices, making it difficult to compete.

Elevate brand awareness

Underrepresentation and recognition

Artisans receive limited recognition and support for their work. Their contributions to cultural heritage and economic development are often overlooked, and may have limited access to government programs and funding.

Increase customer-driven sales

The Solutions Available

Simple tools boost your winery success beyond the "wine club"

Thousands of winery owners and operators around the world have understood that working smart doesn't mean working hard. Trusting a modern technology enables boutique winery to quickly adapt local markets, and grow their brand equity on their terms.

Your goals

How Troly helps

Adapt to changing consumer trends

Incorporating modern elements, designs, and storytelling into their crafts can attract younger generations and appeal to broader consumer preferences.

Track customer lifestyle choices, values and discover purchase trends

Wineries use Troly to track, behind the scene, why certain customers buy more, why some dropped off, and most importantly how your brand to target, on-demand, triggers turning intentions into a purchase.

Sustainable production processes

Consumers are increasingly seeking products that are ethically sourced, handcrafted, and environmentally sustainable. Artisans can capitalize on this trend by showcasing their commitment to sustainable practices and transparent production methods.

Automate repetitive branding effort

With a technology like Troly your winery can define unlimited clubs, price lists and pre-allocate inventory to any group to ensure best results for your winery.

Some may prefer to focus on growing margins, others chose more volume or less time to sale. Troly enables your defined strategy and goals.

Leverage better consumer technology

Creating a compelling narrative around the winery's history, philosophy, and the winemaking process can attract wine enthusiasts and build brand loyalty.

From word-of-mouth to sales

We help your customers be more vocal about their experience with your wines. Like an extension of your team, Troly ensures every customer gets the best version of your brand.

Every glass needs to be spoken of time and time again!

Join artisans worldwide are growing sales & brand equity.

From Australia, to France, Italy and California, the smartest winemakers use Troly to elevate their brand, automate their operations, and reclaim time to spend where it matters most to them.

No card required, no inconvenient sales call or demo, no wait!


Wine is the best adapted product to elevate customer experience

Wineries often have limited financial resources, fragmented market access, and difficulty building a strong brand identity, which can be existential obstacles to their survival in the highly competitive wine industry.

Improve your product pricing strategy

Wineries use Troly to understand why products similar to theirs sell for a better margin.

Based on your customer values and product information, we make you understand price-elasticity and target customers able to pay more.

Control your product information

From your on-premise tasting experience, to online sales, offsite special events and private gatherings, Troly gives you control over product presentation before and after each sale, then during and after consumption.

Across all channels.

Track your sales compliance

Track and report on every purchase, destination and customer, from direct sales to importer-enabled sales.

Sales taxes on food versus alcohol; shipping taxes; county taxes; interstate and international shipping compliance; Selling wine was once tricky. Then came Troly.

Be more than "Wine Clubs"

Wineries use Troly to drive a modern and more adaptable subscription business. Because boring wine clubs have existed and remained unchanged for over 30 years.

From pre-allocations, upgrades and downgrades, exclusive invite-only offers, tracking of loyalty points, regular pre-payments, and individual loyalty to one or several subscription offered by your business.